Sunday, September 7, 2008

Story Tyme!!!'s the's a simple game..try try..i want to see how creative usj members are..l0l

1) participation are suppposed to continue the story below..then the next one is supposed to continue the second story continued from the first story..get what i mean?
2) it can be any are free to change the story line as well...but it must be continuous

here it goes:

Ronald had always been known as the "courageous" one in his school. Despite that, he would always showed off on being the bravest in his school. He thought that he was the strongest, bravest, and had the most prestige in school. Since he was quite good-looking also (that's what people say, or probably there's noone else better looking), he always thought that the prettiest girl in the school, Shirley, would fall for him. However, no matter how he tried, Shirley never bother to look at him. How sad he was. Meanwhile, since he always bothered Shirley's life, Shirley's boyfriend, Michael, got jealous. For wanting to stop the troublesome guy from irritating his girlfriend, he dared Ronald to go to the "haunted" house at the end of the street. If he would stay in the house till morning, Michael would broke up with Shirley. Because of his lover, he accepted the request without giving it a second thought. Then, he stepped into the "haunted" house at midnight, when the clock strikes twelve. He walked in and suddenly, there was a crack at the door. He suddenly became coward and ran off. However, he thought of Shirley, and bravely, turned back to the house and walked in again. A gust of wind blew onto the window and it smashed into the wall, making the glass to shatter into pieces. Ronald jumped up. He felt as though he had wet his pants. Then, the wind blew again and the door smashed lock. Ronald got very scared. Without giving it any other thoughts, he ran out of the house. He felt as though he had cried and he mumbled, "Goodbye, Shirley!" The next day, he went to school feeling so embarrased as all his schoolmates have known how cowardly he had acted the day before. And eversince then, he never dare to love anyone again. He got scared on being love as well. He was then, destined to be lonely for his life.

*p.s. it's a stupid now see how the next one continue..cant blame me since being the penolong kanan of usj, this is how stupid am i..especially i'm very happy today without a good reason. =)